Welcome to London Maths![]() This is the web site for the London Branch of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics London Branch working with the Mathematical Association London Branch, meeting at The Institute of Education, University College London.
2017/18 Programme We have a programme of 5 Saturday morning workshop style CPD sessions for London Teachers from 10:00 to 12:30 and a full day conference. Click the 'programme' button for full details. Use the contact form to send us your details and we will mail you details of all events and keep you updated. Location UCL Institute of Education, Room 802/804 20 Bedford Way London WC1H 0AL 10:00 to 12:30 The session charge is £10 (cash to be collected on the day) which will also cover you for the 5 remaining sessions of the 18/19 academic year. Free for trainee teachers in their ITT year. Receipts will be provided on request. 80 People Attended the First Session of 2018/19 with Colin Foster The presentation and materials from the session:
Programme for 2018/19
Here's hoping everyone has had a successful year and have an excellent summer break. We look forward to welcoming you to session again next year. Mark Horley is taking over as branch secretary and I'm sure there will be some changes. The first is that the booking system used for the conference will be used for more sessions this year, so please make sure to book ahead. Sessions currently scheduled are as follows: 24th November: Mike Ollerton Every class is a mixed attainment class To book click here. We are thrilled to welcome Mike Ollerton back down to London. As always you are guaranteed to come away from one of Mike's sessions having thought deeply about many areas of mathematics. In this session we start with the idea that every class contains students with a mix of attainments, interests, stickability, and stuckability! As such offering students accessible tasks which can be developed to different depths is an essential part of lesson planning. Participants will be invited to work on some mathematics and intersperse this with discussions about how any of the tasks might be simplified or extended. The tasks will be suitable for learners from Year 5 to Year 11 but it is likely that the ideas will be applicable to all ages. The charge will be £10 cash to be collected on the door unless you have already attended an event this academic year and already paid your £10. All sessions are free for teacher in their initial training year. 19th Jan: Jo Morgan and Ed Southall Topics in Depth / Asking Better Questions Two 1 hour workshops, the first looking at the topic of Indices, the second looking at how teachers can ask deeper questions to enable teachers to uncover misconceptions. To book click here. For our third session of the year we are very lucky to have two sessions led by two fantastic maths teachers. Jo is a Lead Practitioner at Harris Federation in London. She writes the website Resourceaholic where she shares teaching ideas and resources for secondary mathematics. Jo is a member of the TES Maths Panel and AQA Expert Panel and a regular guest on Mr Barton's podcast. Jo's workshop is about the process of teaching a topic in depth. The focus will be on index notation and index laws. In this session, teachers will reflect on their approaches, consider misconceptions and best practice, and discover new resources to use in their lessons. Ed has taught in education for 14 years in a variety of roles and is currently the PGCE course leader at Huddersfield University, and a maths education specialist for both Primary and Secondary teacher training. He is currently studying for a PhD and is the author of two books, "Yes, But Why: Teaching for Understanding in Mathematics" and 'Geometry Snacks' with Vincent Pantaloni. Ed blogs at SolveMyMaths Ed's session will look at "Asking Better Questions". Enhanced subject knowledge can lead to stronger, deeper questions that allow for teachers to uncover more misconceptions and analyse how much students understand topics beyond algorithms. Both sessions will last about an hour, so with a break in the middle we expect to stick to our usual time. The charge will be £10 cash to be collected on the door unless you have already attended an event this academic year and already paid your £10. All sessions are free for teachers in their initial training year. Keep coming back for more details.